Stream our new album…


Sick of “clever” radio stations playing “Taxman” and “Money” all day? We of The Blood Arm feel your pain. That is why we are giving you a delicious taste of our album-in-progress, a rough mix of our take on the global recession and financial meltdown: “The Creditors.” Stream it HERE until the end of the week, in (dis)honor of Tax Day 2009!

Then come see us play with Sweaters at Bordello in Downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, April 30!

And then come see us in Europe at one or all of the following dates:

May 12 Innsbruck, Austria – Weekender
May 13 Munich, Germany – Atomic Cafe
May 14 Koln, Germany – Luxor (w/ Art Brut)
May 15 Hamburg, Germany – Molotow
May 16 Berlin, Germany – Kesselhaus (Jagermeister Rock:Liga Finale)

We love you!

xoxoxo The Blood Arm